Meteor is a mesh generation and manipulation tool and library

Inspired by the desire to generate triangle representations of interstellar objects in various levels of detail.

The main features of the library are:

  • Mesh generation -- Uses equations of the form f(x, y, z) = 0
  • Quadric pair contraction -- Reduce triangle and point count.
  • Aggregation -- Merge nearby sections of the mesh together
  • Clipping -- Removal of all data on one side of an equation
  • Duplication of points -- Correction for texture coordinates
  • IO routines -- can save and load in various formats (can convert data from one format to another)

    The command-line app meteor provides an interface to all of the above operations, as well as:

  • accept equations, source files with functions, or data files.
  • write output to data files
  • display the mesh (requires opengl and glut)
  • animate meshes (can be based on a 4th variable)
  • take screenshots and generate video files (with required libraries)
